Our Team

R.J. Shook

Co-Founder, President, SHOOK Research, Senior Forbes Contributor

Liz Shook

Chief Operating Officer

Frank Berland

Managing Partner

LoriAnn LaSalle

Vice President, Business Manager

Lindsey Nacht

Vice President, Director of Operations

Brooke DeGirolmo

Senior Associate VP, Director of Events

Kristina Hunt

Senior Associate VP, Events and Marketing

Iris Testiler

Senior Associate VP, Events

Callie Askins

Callie Askins

Senior Associate VP, Project Leader

Blake Pastore

Senior Associate VP, Advisor Services

Jenny DeSeno

Associate VP, Project Leader

Jordan Merrill

Associate VP, Research Manager

Luke Bartow

Associate VP, Event Programming

Erick Lopez

Associate VP, Research

Erica Horak

Senior Analyst

Dylan Ferrante

Senior Analyst/Marketing

Madison Rizzo

Senior Analyst

Ann Hall


Kaili Moran

Office Coordinator

Fabiana Ingolotti

Senior Accounting Manager

Erika Kordas

IT Specialist

Mark Tatge

Chief Content Consultant